Case Study: Virtual Team Expansion Doubles Revenue

Eliminating Frustrations by Cloning Structures

Entrepreneurs have enough to worry about: seesawing cash flow, flighty employees, ineffective marketing, nonstop brainstorming of ideas–the list of things to do sometimes feels like it will never end.

But….what if you could duplicate yourself? Or your team leads?

Sometimes, more is, well, more. If you only have another you, you’d be able to get so much more work done.

Sounds pretty great, right?

In this case study, we helped a struggling agency streamline their processes, expand capacity, and reduce their workload. Ultimately, the agency was able to focus on new growth and increase their revenue exponentially.

The Client

Our client was a digital marketing agency with annual revenues around $700k. Typically, they had around 30 recurring clients that received online leads from the agency.

The agency was a small team: a big-idea entrepreneur who owned the agency, an operations manager, and an account manager.

Like most entrepreneurs, our client was a visionary who had many burning ideas for how he wanted to grow his business. He just needed more time to nurture these ideas and benefit from how much he knew they would transform his company.

The only thing stopping him?


The client felt he didn’t have the time, bandwidth, or mental energy to plan and execute each step that was necessary for his ideas. He felt like he didn’t even know where to begin. The end point was extremely clear, but the road to get there just didn’t seem possible.

As we became more familiar with the agency, our client confided in us that he was actually pretty frustrated with his team. He felt like they were limiting his growth, and added a lot of stress to the business. He simply couldn’t rely on them! Tasks fell to the wayside, or were forgotten completely. Ultimately, he felt spent too much time on damage control, and it was entirely due to the team.

These frustrations stalled the vision he had for his agency. With stress levels peaking, he reached out to us in hopes of finding a solution.

Our team came in and assessed the situation.

Discovery & Diagnosis

We began by digging deep into the philosophy of the team. To thoroughly solve the problem, we had to analyze the problem from top to bottom. What exactly was holding this agency back?

We found that like most marketing companies, the client stuck to the tried and true for personnel: keep it simple. He wanted to avoid added complexities, unnecessary managerial responsibilities, and clogged payrolls.

The only problem was that this standard rule was the standard for stagnant and satisfied companies. When you have big ideas, tried and true doesn’t always work.

Keeping it simple works...for simple problems! However, the agency wanted to grow substantially and quickly. Not so simple.

As we began our analysis, we found pretty quickly that although this 2-person team was hired for their main roles (which already had a long list of duties), their days were filled up with the tasks for 6 or 7 other jobs! These tasks were not only menial, but also restricted their ability to work on growing the company.

For example, the account manager was responsible for client communication but was jammed up with daily dashboard updates, weekly billing, client vetting, retention, was an endless list of tasks.

Similarly, the operations manager was bogged down by doing daily data entry, customer onboarding, solving customer services issues, in addition to his main duties.

No wonder the team couldn’t get anything done. They were completely weighed down by these tiny, endless assignments.

We found that the team was well beyond their maximum workload capacity. One person can only do so much, and unfortunately, piling on more work doesn’t make anyone more effective.

If you just kept filling your coffee cup, you wouldn't have more coffee–you’d have a burnt hand!

But if you got the right-sized cup, you’d get a perfectly delectable cup of joe.

We also found that our client wasn’t utilizing his team’s zones of genius. These zones represent an individual’s special skill set–the tasks that they both enjoy and are highly skilled in. Instead of doing what they were experts at, the team was given whatever work came up.

Our client was not only overfilling his cup (and blaming the team for his burnt hand) but also was using the incorrect type of vessel. You wouldn’t pour steaming coffee into a chilled champagne glass!

We found that our client had been so focused on his ambitions that he had forgotten that his team was his most important resource. The biggest part of the problem was that it was so obvious, yet our client couldn’t see it. It was his ultimate blind spot! Like with many business owners, his mindset was focused so much on the big picture that he was unable to see what was readily apparent.

It was time to get to work.

Creating the Plan

We began by getting to know the team members. We found that not only were they extremely knowledgeable, they were both quick-thinking and highly competent individuals.

Yet, there was a disconnect between the team and our client. We realized that because our client was not utilizing his team properly, he was creating his own frustrations. Due to his own blind spot, our client was unable to appreciate his team for how great they really were.

So in order to get the agency to reach their goals, we needed to complete the following steps:

  • Clone Processes: First, we needed to individually analyze and separate the processes of the team. Then, we had to streamline and organize them into a functional and accessible manual. Not only would this reduce task-clutter, this also would ensure smooth training for new employees while supporting the agency’s growth.

  • Adjust Capacity: The agency was struggling under the weight of itself and needed additional capacity support. The only way to reduce weight and eliminate fires for good was to implement permanent, foolproof systems that guaranteed the same results over time.

  • Proper Utilization: By freeing the team of their tedious responsibilities, they were able to function at optimal capacity. They could use their industry knowledge and focus on their critical job functions, while also being available to take on new projects.

Before moving forward, we wanted to re-confirm with our client that he did, in fact, genuinely want his company to grow. Sometimes, business owners say they want growth, make it their goal for the month, and never actually do it. When they’re faced with the realities of a challenge, they choose comfort instead. And, sadly, they never stop feeling stuck.

However, our client said he was ready to take any actions that allowed him to bring his exciting ideas to life. Discussing his ideas further, I realized how innovative and profitable they were! We were determined more than ever to provide him with the space to execute those ideas.

The Solution

Over the next quarter, our teams worked hand in glove to create and execute a plan.

To start, we needed to establish that all existing operations were running without flaws. To focus on maximizing capacity and stability, no new growth projects were created. Our team took the role of shadow COO and executed each of the following steps:

1. Observe, Log, and Map

We began by observing the team perform their daily activities. Next, we logged those activities into an org chart that was broken down by department. Similar to watching a chef execute a grand meal, we took note of not only how they cooked their steak, but also where they went grocery shopping. In order to thoroughly understand how the agency operated, we wanted to know everything possible about their metaphorical kitchen.

We needed to really dig into their processes and patterns. The roles had become so murky and indistinct, it was impossible to discern the different flavors in their food! By clearly separating processes, we were able to make this complex mess into something very simple.

We needed a solid list of tasks, with clear roles and responsibilities, to hand off to future team members. Not only would this create a solid collection of processes, but it also ensured a smooth transition for later training.

2. Streamline, Micro-Optimize, and Automate

Next, we refined the processes to make them as efficient and automated as possible. We wanted to eliminate busy work and reduce potential for human error. Also, we pretty quickly realized that most of the systems were actually inefficient time-wasters!

Not only was this draining the team’s capacity, it also bloated our client’s payroll. Thankfully, we were able to automate or improve most of the processes. Using our expertise, we eliminated nearly 50% of the team’s workload!

3. Create an SOP

Processes tested and perfected, we began to map them into the SOP playbook. This would be where all team members–new hires, executives, current employees–would operate from. To complete this, we used Process Street, a software that helps businesses create SOPs and other documents.

4. Adjust Capacity

To form the new administrative team, I offered two of my handpicked virtual assistants. Their goal was to take over the routine tasks the managers were currently bogged down with. Once trained, we began to shift responsibilities away from the managers and towards the VAs.

5. Streamline Critical Processes

Now free to focus on their essential job functions, we refined and improved the managers’ critical processes. We found that we were able to add even more capacity to help take on new growth projects!

Additionally, the team reported more energy and excitement in the workplace. Morale was on the upswing. It was as if their employer had finally given them the perfect space suit for a journey they have been long prepared for!

I realized the agency had finally reached a turning point: now that the team felt like they were being invested in, they were much more energized and dedicated to their work. These are optimal work conditions! When your team feels good, the workplace becomes an extremely positive environment and brings the best out of everyone.

6. Add "Process Capture Process"

The finish line was close, but the race was not yet over.

We knew that, for now, the agency was able to run smoothly. However, without the proper maintenance, the same issues would rise again and the agency would inevitably be back at square one.

After all, cleaning your garage out one time doesn’t mean it’ll stay like that forever! But by implementing systems that support organization, you can keep your garage (mostly) clean indefinitely.

We needed to create a system that utilized the current resources to their best potential, and in a way to keep them working at their best potential! You wouldn’t throw away a saw just because it had become dull. By providing care and sharpening it, you can ensure that it’ll continue in great condition.

As new projects were created and integrated into the daily tasks, team members would clone their processes just like they did previously. Then, they would pass those cloned processes onto other members of the team.

7. Final Capacity Adjustment

Within a month, we resumed growth initiatives as planned. To execute all the necessary processes, we needed to add two additional members to the team. Again offering two members of my handpicked team, we now had a great way to systemize the agency’s processes.

Finally, the managers were alleviated of the menial tasks and could create the vision of our client.

And it was working marvelously.

Now that the workload was dispersed evenly, we noticed that after a while even the newest members of the team were also able to commit to new growth projects. The owner’s dreams were becoming closer and closer to being realized.

Transformative Results

Within 6 months, the agency had doubled their revenue.

The results were nothing short of fantastic. With considerably less effort, the agency ran like a dream. Tasks were not forgotten, but quickly completed. All processes had improved, and even had an observational team to guarantee no errors.

Our client was ecstatic. No longer bound by obstructions, he felt a weight was lifted and created a more positive work environment. Re-energized, he was able to test several new initiatives and ideas while working more on marketing and sales.

Even while the team experienced staffing changes, they were able to keep operations continuing as normal and train new employees without any hiccups.

The systems worked. And for this client, it was off to the races to make his dreams come to life...all thanks to the process of cloning systems.

Stop Keeping Your Dreams Waiting!

Are you feeling stuck? Like your beloved business is growing slowly, or...not at all?

Have you wasted months and months thinking about it, but...just never got around to actually getting it done? Do you feel like every time you fix a leak, another one comes up?

If you said yes to any of these, we can help. We specialize in anything and everything operations, systems, and integrations. And we want to give you systems that last, all on their own.

By giving you and your team clarity and freedom, you can reach your goals without wasting more time.

The best time to get started? Right now.

Case Study: Virtual Team Expansion Doubles Revenue

Eliminating Frustrations by Cloning Structures

Entrepreneurs have enough to worry about: seesawing cash flow, flighty employees, ineffective marketing, nonstop brainstorming of ideas–the list of things to do sometimes feels like it will never end.

But….what if you could duplicate yourself? Or your team leads?

Sometimes, more is, well, more. If you only have another you, you’d be able to get so much more work done.

Sounds pretty great, right?

In this case study, we helped a struggling agency streamline their processes, expand capacity, and reduce their workload. Ultimately, the agency was able to focus on new growth and increase their revenue exponentially.

The Client

Our client was a digital marketing agency with annual revenues around $700k. Typically, they had around 30 recurring clients that received online leads from the agency.

The agency was a small team: a big-idea entrepreneur who owned the agency, an operations manager, and an account manager.

Like most entrepreneurs, our client was a visionary who had many burning ideas for how he wanted to grow his business. He just needed more time to nurture these ideas and benefit from how much he knew they would transform his company.

The only thing stopping him?


The client felt he didn’t have the time, bandwidth, or mental energy to plan and execute each step that was necessary for his ideas. He felt like he didn’t even know where to begin. The end point was extremely clear, but the road to get there just didn’t seem possible.

As we became more familiar with the agency, our client confided in us that he was actually pretty frustrated with his team. He felt like they were limiting his growth, and added a lot of stress to the business. He simply couldn’t rely on them! Tasks fell to the wayside, or were forgotten completely. Ultimately, he felt spent too much time on damage control, and it was entirely due to the team.

These frustrations stalled the vision he had for his agency. With stress levels peaking, he reached out to us in hopes of finding a solution.

Our team came in and assessed the situation.

Discovery & Diagnosis

We began by digging deep into the philosophy of the team. To thoroughly solve the problem, we had to analyze the problem from top to bottom. What exactly was holding this agency back?

We found that like most marketing companies, the client stuck to the tried and true for personnel: keep it simple. He wanted to avoid added complexities, unnecessary managerial responsibilities, and clogged payrolls.

The only problem was that this standard rule was the standard for stagnant and satisfied companies. When you have big ideas, tried and true doesn’t always work.

Keeping it simple works...for simple problems! However, the agency wanted to grow substantially and quickly. Not so simple.

As we began our analysis, we found pretty quickly that although this 2-person team was hired for their main roles (which already had a long list of duties), their days were filled up with the tasks for 6 or 7 other jobs! These tasks were not only menial, but also restricted their ability to work on growing the company.

For example, the account manager was responsible for client communication but was jammed up with daily dashboard updates, weekly billing, client vetting, retention, was an endless list of tasks.

Similarly, the operations manager was bogged down by doing daily data entry, customer onboarding, solving customer services issues, in addition to his main duties.

No wonder the team couldn’t get anything done. They were completely weighed down by these tiny, endless assignments.

We found that the team was well beyond their maximum workload capacity. One person can only do so much, and unfortunately, piling on more work doesn’t make anyone more effective.

If you just kept filling your coffee cup, you wouldn't have more coffee–you’d have a burnt hand!

But if you got the right-sized cup, you’d get a perfectly delectable cup of joe.

We also found that our client wasn’t utilizing his team’s zones of genius. These zones represent an individual’s special skill set–the tasks that they both enjoy and are highly skilled in. Instead of doing what they were experts at, the team was given whatever work came up.

Our client was not only overfilling his cup (and blaming the team for his burnt hand) but also was using the incorrect type of vessel. You wouldn’t pour steaming coffee into a chilled champagne glass!

We found that our client had been so focused on his ambitions that he had forgotten that his team was his most important resource. The biggest part of the problem was that it was so obvious, yet our client couldn’t see it. It was his ultimate blind spot! Like with many business owners, his mindset was focused so much on the big picture that he was unable to see what was readily apparent.

It was time to get to work.

Creating the Plan

We began by getting to know the team members. We found that not only were they extremely knowledgeable, they were both quick-thinking and highly competent individuals.

Yet, there was a disconnect between the team and our client. We realized that because our client was not utilizing his team properly, he was creating his own frustrations. Due to his own blind spot, our client was unable to appreciate his team for how great they really were.

So in order to get the agency to reach their goals, we needed to complete the following steps:

  • Clone Processes: First, we needed to individually analyze and separate the processes of the team. Then, we had to streamline and organize them into a functional and accessible manual. Not only would this reduce task-clutter, this also would ensure smooth training for new employees while supporting the agency’s growth.

  • Adjust Capacity: The agency was struggling under the weight of itself and needed additional capacity support. The only way to reduce weight and eliminate fires for good was to implement permanent, foolproof systems that guaranteed the same results over time.

  • Proper Utilization: By freeing the team of their tedious responsibilities, they were able to function at optimal capacity. They could use their industry knowledge and focus on their critical job functions, while also being available to take on new projects.

Before moving forward, we wanted to re-confirm with our client that he did, in fact, genuinely want his company to grow. Sometimes, business owners say they want growth, make it their goal for the month, and never actually do it. When they’re faced with the realities of a challenge, they choose comfort instead. And, sadly, they never stop feeling stuck.

However, our client said he was ready to take any actions that allowed him to bring his exciting ideas to life. Discussing his ideas further, I realized how innovative and profitable they were! We were determined more than ever to provide him with the space to execute those ideas.

The Solution

Over the next quarter, our teams worked hand in glove to create and execute a plan.

To start, we needed to establish that all existing operations were running without flaws. To focus on maximizing capacity and stability, no new growth projects were created. Our team took the role of shadow COO and executed each of the following steps:

1. Observe, Log, and Map

We began by observing the team perform their daily activities. Next, we logged those activities into an org chart that was broken down by department. Similar to watching a chef execute a grand meal, we took note of not only how they cooked their steak, but also where they went grocery shopping. In order to thoroughly understand how the agency operated, we wanted to know everything possible about their metaphorical kitchen.

We needed to really dig into their processes and patterns. The roles had become so murky and indistinct, it was impossible to discern the different flavors in their food! By clearly separating processes, we were able to make this complex mess into something very simple.

We needed a solid list of tasks, with clear roles and responsibilities, to hand off to future team members. Not only would this create a solid collection of processes, but it also ensured a smooth transition for later training.

2. Streamline, Micro-Optimize, and Automate

Next, we refined the processes to make them as efficient and automated as possible. We wanted to eliminate busy work and reduce potential for human error. Also, we pretty quickly realized that most of the systems were actually inefficient time-wasters!

Not only was this draining the team’s capacity, it also bloated our client’s payroll. Thankfully, we were able to automate or improve most of the processes. Using our expertise, we eliminated nearly 50% of the team’s workload!

3. Create an SOP

Processes tested and perfected, we began to map them into the SOP playbook. This would be where all team members–new hires, executives, current employees–would operate from. To complete this, we used Process Street, a software that helps businesses create SOPs and other documents.

4. Adjust Capacity

To form the new administrative team, I offered two of my handpicked virtual assistants. Their goal was to take over the routine tasks the managers were currently bogged down with. Once trained, we began to shift responsibilities away from the managers and towards the VAs.

5. Streamline Critical Processes

Now free to focus on their essential job functions, we refined and improved the managers’ critical processes. We found that we were able to add even more capacity to help take on new growth projects!

Additionally, the team reported more energy and excitement in the workplace. Morale was on the upswing. It was as if their employer had finally given them the perfect space suit for a journey they have been long prepared for!

I realized the agency had finally reached a turning point: now that the team felt like they were being invested in, they were much more energized and dedicated to their work. These are optimal work conditions! When your team feels good, the workplace becomes an extremely positive environment and brings the best out of everyone.

6. Add "Process Capture Process"

The finish line was close, but the race was not yet over.

We knew that, for now, the agency was able to run smoothly. However, without the proper maintenance, the same issues would rise again and the agency would inevitably be back at square one.

After all, cleaning your garage out one time doesn’t mean it’ll stay like that forever! But by implementing systems that support organization, you can keep your garage (mostly) clean indefinitely.

We needed to create a system that utilized the current resources to their best potential, and in a way to keep them working at their best potential! You wouldn’t throw away a saw just because it had become dull. By providing care and sharpening it, you can ensure that it’ll continue in great condition.

As new projects were created and integrated into the daily tasks, team members would clone their processes just like they did previously. Then, they would pass those cloned processes onto other members of the team.

7. Final Capacity Adjustment

Within a month, we resumed growth initiatives as planned. To execute all the necessary processes, we needed to add two additional members to the team. Again offering two members of my handpicked team, we now had a great way to systemize the agency’s processes.

Finally, the managers were alleviated of the menial tasks and could create the vision of our client.

And it was working marvelously.

Now that the workload was dispersed evenly, we noticed that after a while even the newest members of the team were also able to commit to new growth projects. The owner’s dreams were becoming closer and closer to being realized.

Transformative Results

Within 6 months, the agency had doubled their revenue.

The results were nothing short of fantastic. With considerably less effort, the agency ran like a dream. Tasks were not forgotten, but quickly completed. All processes had improved, and even had an observational team to guarantee no errors.

Our client was ecstatic. No longer bound by obstructions, he felt a weight was lifted and created a more positive work environment. Re-energized, he was able to test several new initiatives and ideas while working more on marketing and sales.

Even while the team experienced staffing changes, they were able to keep operations continuing as normal and train new employees without any hiccups.

The systems worked. And for this client, it was off to the races to make his dreams come to life...all thanks to the process of cloning systems.

Stop Keeping Your Dreams Waiting!

Are you feeling stuck? Like your beloved business is growing slowly, or...not at all?

Have you wasted months and months thinking about it, but...just never got around to actually getting it done? Do you feel like every time you fix a leak, another one comes up?

If you said yes to any of these, we can help. We specialize in anything and everything operations, systems, and integrations. And we want to give you systems that last, all on their own.

By giving you and your team clarity and freedom, you can reach your goals without wasting more time.

The best time to get started? Right now.